Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 14 years ago.
I don't update my site as often as I used to so please visit the home page to see how you can connect with me on other channels. Otherwise enjoy some dated content below. Thanks for stopping by.

Biffy Clyro // Revolutions // Live at Wembley // Streaming Broadcast


When the pre-order campaign for Biffy Clyro’s new live CD/DVD reached a point of maximum excitement and anticipation we hosted an innovative online screening of the show.

A 24 minute highlights package of the DVD was made available for us to broadcast once-off.

I approached Ste Thompson from Powster with the idea of driving twitter traffic around the broadcast with a specific hashtag. After bouncing ideas around, he suggested that we run an ‘online concert’, where fans can join the virtual crowd by tweeting #biffylive.

While Powster worked on the twitter crowd mechanic I set things up for the live streaming element.
I created a custom Brightcove player with a hidden playlist looping a trailer until I needed to push the live stream out.

I’d learnt a thing or two from the Hugh Laurie stream we did and decided that a count-down to the start of the show would be the best way to build anticipation and make sure all the fans knew that the show wasn’t delayed. I asked Andy Saiker and Mike Downs to create a 5 minute count-down to play before the show started. The timer really helped to get the fans excited and the tweets started flowing as soon as the count-down began.

Matt Cummins helped set the Wirecast machine up with a reliable connection and, once again, we spent the duration of the live stream in the basement surrounded by cables and servers.

The twitter integration was a huge success, the fans loved seeing each other in the crowd and got so involved that #biffylive started trending on Twitter.