Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 13 years ago.
I don't update my site as often as I used to so please visit the home page to see how you can connect with me on other channels. Otherwise enjoy some dated content below. Thanks for stopping by.

Katherine Jenkins Website Relaunch


With the launch of Katherine Jenkins’ new album came the opportunity to refresh her official website.

I project managed the build with Kate Brighouse designing the site and Isle Interactive building it.

The website is clean and simple, making it easy to navigate. It includes all the standard features that go into our artist sites as well as a special Twitter integration. For some time I’ve wanted our website to seamlessly merge with our artists’ tweets. Artists like Katherine Jenkins are very active on Twitter but don’t spend much time blogging or contributing personal content to the website. To give her a voice on the site, I briefed Isle to make the twitter feed display rich-media in-line. Now when Katherine tweets a photo or video it will appear on her website like a blog post. The integration works so well that the website is a more interesting place to read Katherine’s tweets than Twitter itself.

The rest of the website looks great and the fans gave us an overwhelmingly positive response.