Hi there! Please be aware that this page was created or updated 14 years ago.
I don't update my site as often as I used to so please visit the home page to see how you can connect with me on other channels. Otherwise enjoy some dated content below. Thanks for stopping by.

StooShe Website & Tumblr Theme


Warner Bros. recently signed the London girl-group StooShe so we got to work setting up their online estate.

Kate Brighouse designed a blog-style site that I briefed Isle Interactive to develop. The members of StooShe have become very active on Tumblr, so rather than introducing them to a new CMS we had Isle develop a full Tumblr integration to replicate the posts on the group’s official website.

To ensure that the girls’ online profiles are all consistently styled I replicated the website design as a Tumblr-theme and applied it to stooshe.tumblr.com.

The two sites now look exactly the same but eventually stooshe.com will grow into a more comprehensive site with a store, photo galleries, members area and official news with the girls’ personal blog being imported seamlessly from Tumblr.